General terms and conditions
All prices are for deliveries within Switzerland including the statutory VAT rates are binding and are at the moment of the order. Any price changes after the order in force are not taken into account. We expressly reserve the right to price adjustments.
All orders are binding. In case of delivery problems you will be informed via email. Temporarily not available products will be delivered as quickly as possible after.
Payment Method
in domestic orders must be made by invoice (not at first customer), prepayment or paypal; abroad only against cash in advance.
are made on normal post. Different types of delivery (e.g. ‚Enrolled‘ or express delivery) must be in the field ‚News‘ noted and will be borne by the buyer.
withdrawal of products is only in the case of proven manufacturing errors and incorrect deliveries are possible. Products will be replaced in these cases. No cash refund.
Place of
jurisdiction The place of jurisdiction is Zurich.